The Social Studio
Melbourne, Australia
Just before lockdown I overstayed my work-from-the-library day at the @library_vic and hung around for a very special catwalk. It's actually hard to describe the great atmosphere as the wonderful author @maxinebeneba narrated the entrance of model after model dressed in a mixture of quirky costumes and beautiful designs from @thesocialstudio . The Social Studio is a social enterprise dedicated to improving the lives of young people from a refugee or migrant background who have experienced barriers to accessing education or securing employment.
They're using fashion as a way to create social change - as each single item here is creating jobs, providing education, encouraging community engagement and social inclusion!
And what are they busy doing right now? Sewing up medical scrubs for frontline health care workers and DHHS compliant re-usable face masks for all of us! We know you need one...
#decentworkandeconomicgrowth #SDG8 #socialenterprisefashion #socialenterprisemelbourne #socentau #reusablefacemasks #madeinmelbourne #maskupmelbourne